Florida fish are taking drugs, and scientists say it could be a very bad sign of things to come

South Florida's fish are taking drugs, and while that may make people laugh, it's really not a funny thing.

In fact, it's rather worrisome.

Because, according to reports, a new study from the Sunshine State found "dozens of drugs" in the blood and tissues of fish in South Florida waters. The drugs reportedly included Valium, antihypertensives and antidepressants.
Researchers say the findings suggest that the fishery may one day disappear.

Nick Castillo, a scientist with Florida International University and the Northern Fish and Chub Foundation, said of the three-year study, "We found drugs everywhere, and there was hardly a place where the fish weren't exposed to drugs, which is surprising."

According to the report, 93 northern pike in South Florida were tested, and drugs were found in all 93 northern pike. And it wasn't just one drug per fish. The report says each northern pike contained an average of seven drugs, and some northern pike even contained as many as 16 different drugs.

The fish reportedly ingest the drugs through human feces, and Castillo said the presence of the substances can alter the fish's behavior and reproductive patterns. A big part of the problem, according to the report, is that Florida's 4,000 waste treatment plants are not equipped to handle drugs excreted by humans.

Scientists say this trend, like other pollution, could cause us to lose the state's "very valuable ecosystem.

Now, the study will also look at the possible effects of eating fish on humans.

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